eclectic method

英 [ɪˈklektɪk ˈmeθəd] 美 [ɪˈklektɪk ˈmeθəd]

网络  折中法; 折衷法; 教学法


  1. Due to the lack of detailed information of the system in the concept phase of development, an index eclectic quotiety method is introduced to resolve the problem.
  2. Someone who selects according to the eclectic method.
  3. Research on the essence of knowledge while focusing on the denotative and connotative meaning of concepts. In order to form students 'problem-solving competence and environment-protection sense, we should employ eclectic teaching method to help students break through the key and difficult points.
  4. A determination method for reliability index in the concept phase of materiel development, namely similar item eclectic quotiety method is presented.
  5. On an Eclectic Approach Teaching On the Teaching Method
  6. Conclusion Educational course is an effective way to develope mental-quality, the eclectic method is beneficial for development of psychological health of affection and sex for university students.
  7. A Study on the Application of the Eclectic Method to English Language Teaching in China
  8. The lack of technology and talent, forcing the news media cannot make full use of the big data, it can only choose a eclectic method between timeliness and profound.
  9. Wavelet threshold de-noising theory and the theory of analysis of noise steps were expounded, the denoising performance of soft threshold, hard threshold and soft and hard thresholding eclectic method were analysed in theoretics.



  1. making decisions on the basis of what seems best instead of following some single doctrine or style

      Synonym:    eclecticism